Highly qualified specialists performing their tasks in a professional manner delivering the best result.
CatConsult offer an on-site supervision of the hydroprocessing catalysts sulfiding procedure to ensure all guidelines given by a catalyst vendor are followed and occurring deviations are addressed timely with zero damage to the catalyst. Every process installation is unique in terms of design and operating flexibility. Due to this, any project is started with a kick-off meeting during which the sulfiding is discussed with a refiner to answer possible questions and to identify potential concerns.
Actual coverage by the engineer working on a specific unit allows for continuous presence during critical steps. A close involvement translates to the prompt response to possible untypical situations that may necessitate non-standard decisions to be taken. Permanent communication with the partner catalyst vendor is maintained daily so the status is always known. In such a way, our counterparts can use their manpower and resources more efficiently giving attention to the catalyst activation only when needed.
At the conclusion of a project, Catconsult prepares a detailed sulfiding report outlining the actual schedule, any concerns arising, results achieved and recommendations given to the refinery.